Installing MILEPOST

Revision as of 14:29, 1 July 2013 by Munaaf (talk | contribs) (Simple guide to installing MILEPOST on Linux)
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Simple guide to installing MILEPOST on Linux

There were several issues getting MILEPOST to install correctly and run, so we have created a custom tar containing the correct changes and fixes to environment variables.

1) Download this version of cTuning CC 2.5 with MILEPOST v2.1 containing the bugfixes

2) Unzip to the desired location, and open Edit the $BASE_DIR to the current folder location for cTuning.

3) Now to run on your own .c files, open terminal in the folder for the file to be run, and run the following command with the correct folder location:

/path/to/cTuning/ ctuning-cc -Oml *.c

Running a program using MILEPOST

[Optional] You will now be asked if you want to change the SORT order, select y if so and enter the order, otherwise skip with n.

[Optional] If there is no _ctuning_select_functions.txt file that you have specified in the directory the program runs in, then you will be asked to either specify a file, or skip.

[Optional] If there is no _ctuning_remove_opt_flags.txt then you will be asked if you want to specify a location of this list, or you can skip again.

[Required] You will be asked to enter your username. This is the one you have signed up for at

NB:Case sensitive

[Required] You will be asked to enter your password for the account.

MILEPOST should now successfully run and find the best predicted optimisation flags using the COD at and invoke these on your chosen .c program.