Collecting Energy Results with the Automated Test Framework

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ARM (stm32vl):

1. git clone the energy monitor, test framework, and benchmarks

2. cd into the energy monitor folder, compile the energy monitor with 'make energy_monitor'. Then cd into the host directory and compile the host receiver with python support. Do ths by running './configure --with-python=</path/to/python3>', 'make'. Plug in the F4 board via the mini USB port only. Start stlink and flash the energy monitor onto the F4 board. target extended :<port>; file energy_monitor; monitor reset halt; load; (Press the black reset button on the board); quit You can continue using it but unplug, quit gdb and stlink. Re plug in with both USBs. The firmware stays on the board.

3. Plug in the VL board and connect stlink to it with 'stlink -v1'

4. Start the pyro nameserver, and GDB runner.

5. cd into the benchmarks folder and run the framework (python ../benchmark-framework/src/