Revision as of 19:17, 4 August 2014 by Aburgess (talk | contribs) (Release 3.0)
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BEEBS is the Bristol/Embecosm Embedded Benchmark Suite, there's a blog post discussing BEEBS here.

Downloading And Building

The code is available on github. Clone the github repository and read the README file for details on how to build.

Note: Currently most of the interesting development is being done on the beebsv2 branch, you might want to switch to this branch before trying to build.

Branch Management

We currently have several branches on github, some of which are out of date. This section will soon contain a list of the active / inactive branches, along with documentation of what each branch is for.

Creating New Branches

In future new branches should only be created within the official BEEBS repository if the branch is likely to be of use to a typical BEEBS user. The main thread of active development will continue in the BEEBS repository, but random proto-typing development branches should be created within forks of the BEEBS repository.

Once a feature is ready for inclusion in the main BEEBS development branch then merge the branch, or create a pull request.

Release Planning

Release 2.0

Currently planned for release August/September 2014.

The issue tracking for version 2.0 is on github, everything with the v2.0 milestone label is currently schedules for release 2.0.

The high level goals for the 2.0 release are:

  1. Remove unhelpful brenchmarks. Some of the benchmarks compile away to practically nothing, these should be deleted.
  2. Ensure wherever possible a GPL header is in place.
  3. Ensure that as many of the tests as possible build on the supported targets. Any tests that don't build should be baked into the exclude lists for that target, a user should not have to figure out which tests are not suitable for a supported target.

Release 3.0

Currently planned for release sometime after version 2.0.

There's a milestone setup for this release on github any issues for this release can be tracked there.

The high level goals for this release are:

  1. Add support for running the tests...
    1. On a variety of target boards.
    2. Using different testing strategies, for example, measuring run time, energy used, size of compiled binary.
  2. [ MAYBE ] Have the tests self verify themselves.